Saxen Van Coller The Various Shades Of Photography

Wildlife photography is an art that need a little effort patience. It is one of the many ways you get an opportunity to spend time outdoors and capture the beauty of the wild. It gives you a chance to gather the untamed with the cameras and show the beauty of the wildlife. While there are a lot of rules and skills in photography yet many like Saxen Van Coller avoid sticking to the conventional norms. She feels that we need to overview some points, but when it comes to nature,nothing is fixed as you cannot ask the animals to pose or move around.

Shades of photography
Photographing the wild in their natural habit requires a lot of skills and ability. One has to handle a multitude of lighting situations as no two days are alike in the outdoors. Here you cannot carry lighting and other equipment you have to play with the natural light and use it in the best way. When we take pictures in an indoor room the light can be managed, but when in the wild the scenario is different. Taking pictures in the wild requires a lot of skills along with the hand and eye coordination, composition, the ability to focus, patience and good exposure technique. Saxen Van Coller suggests that for her or any photographer, lighting is very critical in photography.

If not taken care it can present a problem for the built in camera meters owing to the shadows. The problem comes when you want a dusk tone in your photos, but the meter tries to lighten them and you lose that dusky tone in pictures. As a photographer you don’t want this as it will entirely ruin the important parts of the picture making it look like a simple one. Never fix your wildlife photographs on the focal length debacle as these change the entire scenario of the pictures.  It’s better to challenge yourself and shoot at a wider angle as it gives viewers a better idea about the image.

Like they say the more people the better pictures comes same goes for wildlife animals. A herd of elephants will give a better look to the photograph than a single one.

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